Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Crazy Animals 9.12.09

We pulled into the 500-700 site campground and the lady at the registration warned us about the elk that were in rut. She said that we *would* see them and to be careful. And it was quite comforting to see a bear trap rearing and ready to go. That's the great outdoors for ya!

We found our site, got out, and were about to get the tents out when we heard an elk bugle. We saw two cows come toward our site with the bull not far behind them. I think Quent was using the restroom, so Pat and Sara gave me Quent's camera. I stood on top of the picnic table to get a better view and because it felt more safe there. Following the elk was a man with a gun and what looked like tranquilizer equipment. The elk walked through and the man asked people to move their vehicles. After the excitement we set up our tents (I was rather hesitant because I was picturing being trampled by elk in the middle of the night). A little while later the elk returned, but this time there were 3 humans following close behind with guns and tranquilizers. We aren't sure what they were doing, but we didn't see the elk or those humans after that.

After all of that excitement we drove to some hot springs. I don't remember the name of this place either. Maybe it was Cheeko? There were some crazy goats or sheep licking the asphalt in the parking lot of the hot springs. Some people were trying to leave, but the animals were just really enjoying whatever it was on the asphalt behind their van. I didn't know who to feel more sorry for, the people or the animals.

Unfortunately we don't have any pictures of the hot springs, but it was fun to sit in the warm water for a couple of hours. After 15-20 minutes we would go dip into the cooler pools because that's what was recommended. Quent and Pat would see who could stay in the longest. It was SO cold in those cooler pools!
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