Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A day a the tubs

After the previous day the idea of the hot tubs really sounded good. The more we thought about it the better it sounded. I only made it about half way to the tubs before I had to stop and baby my feet for a second time. They were so sore. The thought of soaking them in hot water was incredibly pleasing so I continued on. When I arrived I found the other guys in the tub and their faces showed their enjoyment. I snapped a few photos before jumping in myself. Wow! It felt wonderful. My feet were very happy.

The warm steam met the cold air outside the open door and formed frost on everything it touched. Inside, the screens were covered in ice and there was about and inch of ice on the benches.

Since I was the last one to arrive, I decided I should be the last one to leave as well. I soaked in the tub for a good half hour after all the other guys left and washed a few cloths - that way I felt like I was at least being somewhat productive. As I left I got this nagging feeling that I should put on my telephoto lens but I decided not to because I wanted a few wide angle shots of the trail. Plus, there wasn't much of a chance to see wildlife since the other guys had gone before me.

Sure enough, I saw wildlife. As I skied through an open section in the woods two moose jumped out in front of me. They were only about 50 yards away. I immediately began to switch lenses and by the time I had my telephoto on they had just rounded the corner and were heading away from me through the timber. I skied ahead a little farther hoping to catch a glimpse of them to at least get a photo when another moose appeared on the other side and ran toward a snow covered lake. I followed him and snapped a few photos along the way. He (I think) kept on breaking through the hard snow well past his knees every few steps and it seemed like it was a painfully slow and strenuous way to move about. I decided to leave him be and skied off in another direction.
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