Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Chock Stone Canyon

When Nate first told me that we were going to Chock Stone Canyon, I wondered about marine sediments being included in the geology and questioned him about it. He said no, not chalk, chock as in keeping tires from rolling down hills. He then told me I was see for myself why it was given that name. Here's Nate leading the way up the first little waterfall with one ice tool.

Once we got up into the canyon we were dwarfed by the towering walls and scalloped formations.

After making our way over several small waterfalls we came to this one that required ropes. It also at this point that Nate and Hombi realized that all the ice screws had been left in camp. Not to worry. Nate led the way up and managed to find place to secure a little protection.

...And there it is. The famous chock stone wedged half way up the canyon. My wide angle lens distorted the sense of scale a little bit, but the falls Nate is currently climbing is about 50' tall and the chock stone is huge!
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1 comment:

  1. I was thinking that "chock" would have come in handy last week...because as Nate stated, it keeps tires from rolling down hills. *COUGH*

    --Guess who?
