Saturday, March 27, 2010

KVRS Outing

Soon after moving to Ketchikan I was asked if I would like to join the Mountain Rescue branch of the Ketchikan Volunteer Rescue Squad (KVRS), naturally I said that I would but my schedule prevented me from joining for quite some time.  When winter came I was able to start attending the weekly practice sessions.  Every so often we go on an excursion for a little more practice.  This particular day took us up to Deer Mountain.  I started with the group but got a little impatient and decided to go to the top of the mountain to get a couple turns in before the rest of the group.  When I got to the top I met the guy on the right, Shawn, (not a KVRS member) who had come up earlier.  We had both heard about each other so we chatted for a while and then ended up skiing most of the day together.  I was really impressed with his tele abilities.  He's obviously spent some time on his boards. 

After skiing almost all day, we joined the KVRS group as they were practicing the construction of some snow anchors.  Reid, the guy on the left, is a fellow FS employee and one of the mountain rescue leaders. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, not sure if you still live in Ketchikan, but I thought I'd ping you. I moved up here in June, from Salt Lake City. I've been a climber/skier for 20+ years and looking for partners to get out with this winter. Get in touch in you ever need someone to ski

    Cheers, and nice blog.
