Monday, March 29, 2010

English Tea Party 1.31.10

I am a big Jane Austen fan! For three Sundays in a row PBS had the newest version of Emma. I couldn't wait!! I found a book at the library that talked all about tea and the yummy treats that go along with tea. I had been wanting to try cucumber sandwiches for the longest time. Here are a few shots Quent took while I was putting the little sandwiches together. They were so good!! I had tea along with the sandwiches and enjoyed the movie.

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1 comment:

  1. That's so awesome! What book was it? Get this! My MOM bought my DAD the new "Emma" for Valentine's Day!! I got a BIG kick out of that. I actually have it at my house right now so maybe when you come, we could watch it, have cucumber sandwiches and tea!!
