Monday, November 29, 2010

Lost 9.8.10

Dave let us loose down the slough to the hot tubs since his boat wouldn't be able to make it down since it was so shallow. He gave different ones directions of where we would find the entrance to the hot tubs. Something about tall trees or something. I didn't hear the directions, so I'm not sure. Quent and I were first down the slough since we didn't have to stop to get stuff out of Dave's boat. Britta came next and eventually passed us. Shortly afterwards Steve and Dan passed us. And then Paula, Kim, and Sarah came up behind us. There was a slough that looked familiar and we wondered if that was it. We decided it wasn't so we went ahead. But then we saw that Paula, Kim, and Sarah turned down the slough. We called out to Britta, Steve and Dan that the slough was 'back there', but they didn't hear us. We figured they would figure it out. We turned around and came to the beginning of the slough. Paula and Sarah had went on ahead. Kim was stopped. He said he wasn't sure if that was the slough we were looking for. He had a map. The three of us paddled down the slough anyway. After awhile we realized that it indeed was not the slough we needed. Quent and I turned our canoe around to paddle out. Kim went on to find Paula and Sarah to let them know they were headed in the wrong direction. I was frustrated. I was picturing Britta, Steve and Dan splashing around in the hot tubs while we were lost and getting warmer in the September sun. We were not far from where we initially turned around when we saw a black bear on the side of the bank ahead of us. It didn't seem to notice us. We stopped and watched it until it ran into the woods. We continued on, spotting a red kayak on shore. Then we saw Britta walking on the shore. They hadn't found the hot tubs? Then we spotted Steve and Dan in their kayak paddling hard against a current, trying to get back to where we were. Britta looked so relieved to see us. She thought they were lost and felt bad that she got them lost. But it turns out we were ALL lost! I couldn't believe it! How hard is it to find the hot tubs? Pretty soon Paula, Kim and Sarah made their way around the slough bend. We all chatted. Pretty soon Kim pulls out a GPS, which makes me laugh to this day. Where was that GPS a long time ago? Like an hour ago? Ha! He figured out where we needed to go, so we shoved off again and lo and behold, we found it! I figured we were lost for about 3 hours! Dave was probably expecting us any time now, but we hadn't even started our tub time.

The sloughs were so shallow, but we managed to maneuver our way through the sloughs to find the trailhead of the tubs. We changed in the changing room (or whatever it's called). Like my sexy brown Xtratufs?

Here we are enjoying the hot tubs. Everyone was in good spirits...some more than others.

It was a great place to wash hair. It felt nice!
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