Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ski Trip

Nate and I decided to get out early and spend a day in the fresh deep powder up on a mountain. We were approaching the ridge top as the snow shower began to abate and a sunrise shone through. Here Nate and the camera face off in a stare down.

The clouds cleared just long enough for a view of the sunrise before closing in again.

Shoemaker Harbor is visible beyond the bowed trees in the foreground. While I was taking pictures Nate headed to the North Wrangell High Country Shelter a short distance away. As I turned to follow him I saw him trying to get from a snowdrift to the platform while bridging a significant gap with his skis. The next thing I knew he was listing to his right and down he went. Unfortunately he ended up breaking his bindingis skium, which put an abrupt end to his ski day before it even started. Not even duct tape was able to fix the binding. He ended up using water to freeze the broken part of the binding into place and at the end of the day he skied gingerly down the slope... and it worked! (For the most part.)

So instead of skiing, Nate decided to build jumps and I volunteered to test them. I also handed my camera over to Nate and he kindly took photos for the rest of the day. This and the next five photos are courtesy of Nate. It has been a while since I've played with kickers and my rust was evident. My arms were flailing and I was pretty much a one trick pony. Sure was fun though. Made me realize how much I missed the airborne side of skiing.
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