Monday, February 12, 2007

The Beach

Believe it or not, this was the first time we have been to the beach here in Wrangell. Well, at least the closest thing to a real beach. Welcome to Eight-Mile Beach! It was another beautiful day here in Wrangell!

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  1. During a break at work (I do taxes!) I ran across your blog. It was so refreshing to spend a few minutes in the snowy landscape. I don't think I have ever seen such beatifiul pics! What a land you live in! Absolutly gorgeous... sigh
    Thanks for sharing,
    Birdie in TN

  2. I was doing some research and came across your photos on
    ..didn't know if you knew that or not.. they are gorgeous. Tell Christina Hello.
    Carol R. at City Hall
    Wrangell, AK
