Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Stitches :: September 20, 2017

Well, we made it 6 years with kids before needing to go to the "emergency room".  It was a normal day and after lunch, when all of a sudden I heard Joel screaming/crying and it was a different cry.  I knew he was really hurt.  I was on my way to Joshua's room (where all the kids were playing) and Jeralyn is yelling about blood.  Oh no!  Joel had a gash in his head and I responded quickly.  I put a band-aid on the wound, called Quent (who was working out of town that day but I didn't know it) and then I called my neighbor and she came over immediately.  I also called the clinic and told them we were on our way.  We were at the clinic for 2 hours.  While there, Joel received 5 stitches, 2 popsicles, and 2 suckers.  Now, imagine what it would be like to hold down a 1-1/2 year old child while he gets stitched up?  It's no fun!!  It took 3 of us to hold him down, plus the doctor who stitched him him.  He was pretty tired after that ordeal and took a nice nap after we got home.  I wish I could have taken a nap too.

This is Joel the day before.

Joel and I waiting in the "emergency room" at the clinic.

After.  He was pretty good about not touching the bandages or stitches.

He has a nice scar.

I'm still not sure what happened.  Jeralyn still doesn't know what happened and I believe her.  The only thing I can think of was he hit the corner of a chest that's in the bed, but I found no evidence of that.  It's a mystery.

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