Thursday, June 01, 2017

Joel's 1st Birthday :: February 12, 2017

A lot happened between Christmas and Joel's birthday.  We bought and moved into our new house.  We unpacked the inside of the house in two days (I don't like living with boxes).  Natasha was here to help and so we were able to get a lot done, which was a blessing.  Natasha left at the end of January.  We started to find a routine again and life started to feel normal again.  Yay!

Joel's 1st birthday was a quiet one.  We were very thankful our friends Jeremy and Kate came to celebrate with us.  Joel wasn't feeling so great on his birthday, but he did enjoy some chocolate cake.

Jeralyn loves (this is an understatement) parties.  It doesn't matter what you are celebrating, she wants a party, and the more people and decorations and cake, the better.  So she made Joel some birthday cards, which were quite sweet.

He loved his cake and he was really mad when I tried to take him away from the table.  I thought he was done, but apparently not.

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