Friday, September 20, 2013

Jeralyn's 2nd birthday! 8.24.13

We had Jeralyn's birthday party on her actual birthday!  She had a blast!  It was a theme of purple, green, and white, and turtles!

My friend Jamie and her kiddos stopped by before the party.  They couldn't stay but came to say 'happy birthday' and brought a gift for Jeralyn.

This is the turtle pull-apart cupcake cake I made.

We had dinner (soup, bread, salad, taco dip with chips, and a fruit salad), and then Jeralyn opened gifts.

She was SO excited when opening the cards and gifts.  She did this funny excited shaking thing.  Too funny!

Jeralyn and Olivia (our neighbor who Jeralyn just loves!).

I don't know what was so funny, but we had some good laughs!  The couple in the center of the picture is Olivia's dad and mom, Dan and Kimberly.  They are the best neighbors ever and often our baby sitter.

And the couple to the left of this photo are our other best neighbors, Jill and Denny.

Interestingly, Jeralyn didn't even eat the cupcake, just the ice cream.

And because of our rainy weather and timing, we didn't get a chance to take Jeralyn's official birthday photos until a few weeks later.

Happy birthday to our little sweetie!  It's so hard to believe she's already 2!  Everyone says that it goes by quickly and they certainly weren't kidding!  She brings so much joy to our lives.  I've heard people say over and over again how she's so interactive and social...and she really is!  She lights up so many people's day with her smile and "hi!"  She's just so happy and goes along with just about anything!  

We had her 2 year old wellness appointment a few days after her birthday and she's in the 90% percentile for weight and height.  She's always been on the higher end for both.  A lot of people think she's older than she is because of her social interaction, height, and vocabulary.

She loves to go shopping, playing with Duplos Legos, pushing Shelly around in her baby stroller, hiking, walking, going to the pool, dancing, and singing "rain rain go away".  She loves watching Elmo and VeggieTales.

She's been potty-trained for 7 months now and just switched to a big girl bed last week!

We love our little girl!

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