Monday, February 18, 2008

Winter Storm

I had the day off for President's Day and decided to take the opportunity to go skiing (surprise, surprise). A winter storm was on the way but we were right on the edge of it and didn't receive the rain/snow. But we did get the wind. The blowing snow is visible in this photo and the one below.

Both of these shots were taken from the shelter's drift. Even though this tree was close by, it would occasionally be completely obscured by the blowing snow.

I noticed this storm cloud as I was skiing up after my second run. It seemed to hang in the sky near here for quite some time. I suppose it could have been a lenticular cloud formed by the wind blowing over Woronkofski Island.

Ski tracks.
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  1. Hey Quentin, Great shots man. I'm really envious of your location. What a great place. Life's harder there than in the Lower 40's but the reward is greater. Keep up the photography. You have a great eye for it.

    A couple of things. Check out I'd love to see you submit one of your shots there for critique. You've got talent.

    And, wow, haven't been on too many blogs, so as I was scrolling through it was weird to be an observer of someone's life whom I don't even know. Love the comments. I expect this is mainly for your mainland relatives, so thanks for allowing me in to your world.

    Chuck Shelton
    Marietta, GA

  2. Hello Chuchk,

    Thank you for your generous compliments. I've been to Radiant Vista before, I'll have to look into it again. I frequent Fred Miranda's forum and have learned a lot there but have yet to submit a photo.

    Take care, Quent
