Tuesday, February 05, 2008

After the Storm

Here is an eagle with a big colorful storm cloud in the background. Very simple, but it caught my eye.

Earlier today we had a snowstorm come through and dump about a foot of snow on us. It was enough that by 1:45pm we were sent home from work. After shoveling for a while, Christina commented that the sky was beginning to clear in the West. A few minutes later the sun came out. I hurried to get out and capture some snow/storm/sun pictures but by the time I shoveled out the vehicle and drove down to the beach, the sun was setting behind Zarembo Island so I happily settled for these shots.

View from Petroglyph Beach to the northwest.

Another from a nearby spot looking toward the southwest. The low level clounds were zipping over the top of Woronkofski and there were a few lenticulars farther down Zimovia Strait visible in the uppper left corner of the frame.

The orange-red was giving way to a deep blue.
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  1. So... when do you want to send us tickets to fly out there?? We're ready whenever you are. Billy would GLADLY take time off from work. ;0)

    Hope you guys are doing well. We look forward to seeing you in May and introducing you to little Amelia. God bless.

    ~The Websters

  2. Hi Cassandra (and Billy),
    We are going to have to work on those tickets...

    It will be nice seeing the three of you. We are already looking forward to the visit.

    What is your email address?


  3. I really love so many of your photos! I found your most recent post (and approver's choice) on Weather Underground, a site I post on frequently, and decided to check out your lovely blog, as I have a blogspot photoblog moiself! Mine is cindysphotoquest.blogspot.com. But I particularly loved your photos of the sculpted snow in that gorgeous light AND your full moon shots--nice work! keep it up! Cindy

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello Cynthia,
    Thank you for your very kind compliment. I looked at your blog and was very impressed. Great photos!

  6. Thanks! I'm definitely going to keep an eye on your blog as well--excellent photos! Enjoy the rest of winter, Cindy

  7. Hey, Quent! Sorry I didn't respond earlier.

    is my e-mail address. We would love to hear from you.

    God bless. Stay warm! :0)
