Thursday, July 28, 2011

Teeth Marks 6.18.11

You may remember reading this post about the bears chomping on our bird seed from our bird feeder. Well, they were back at it again...

I believe this is the 3rd bird feeder they have destroyed. We knew the bears would be back after the winter months, but we just didn't know when. One morning I woke up and looked outside our bedroom window and saw that our feeder was missing. A bear really worked hard at getting this feeder off the pole. This is the first time we saw these big ole teeth marks in the plastic tubing of the feeder. We haven't been feeding the birds (or the bears) with a feeder since. Bad bears!

A friend of mine who lives in our neighborhood said that there was a sighting of a bear with a large Costco-size mayonnaise jar stuck on it's head roaming around. The State Troopers were called. They tranquilized the bear and then got the jar off it's head. Serves it right!

So far we have found 3 nice piles of bear scat in our yard and some piles on our street. One bear got into our garbage one night. Quent chased it off, but it did manage to take off with one sack of garbage which Quent had to clean up the mess the next morning. That same night, and probably the same bear, got into our neighbors shed where they store their garbage. It went through 4 bags of garbage there. Our neighbors said that it's evident that bears don't like tomatoes because they wouldn't touch those. On another day I saw that our plastic tote which we store bird seed in was moved and the cover was off...hmmm...

One neighbor said that this is the most bear activity seen since the mid '90s. Not very comforting to hear.
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