Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Jeralyn's 3rd birthday 8.23.14

We celebrated Jeralyn's 3rd birthday a day early with some friends.  It's hard to believe our little girl is 3 years old.  She is amazing!

In the morning she opened up her first present, some princess dresses.  The party's theme was Frozen (like the Disney movie).  She got both Elsa and Anna's dresses.

Her crown.

She chose to wear Anna's dress for her party.  I did a fish-tail braid in her hair.  She looked so beautiful!

Waiting for me to show her the cake I made.

She likes it!

I made an "Anna" cake using my imitation Baked Alaska recipe.  It was super fun to make and she really liked it!

I tried to stick with the Frozen theme even with the food.  There were "snow balls" which were powdered donut holes.  And "snowman noses" which were Cheese Puffs.

And a chocolate fondue (which is part of one of the Frozen songs in the movie).

"We finish each other's sandwiches..."  Another song.

Cake table.  I made the flag banner out of cardstock, ribbon, glitter, and sequins.

Kimberly (our neighbor) holding Joshua, and her daughter Olivia (one of Jeralyn's favorites).

My friend Sarah's daughter, Annika.

Olivia holding Joshua.

Jeralyn opening presents.  That's our friend Joyce in the background.

Jeralyn next to her friends, Zeke and Kiah (my friend Jessica's kids).

Jeralyn trying out her princess shoes for the first time.

Blowing out her 3 candles.

Sarah's daughter, Rayna (Annika's sister).

Olivia and Jeralyn playing with her new Frozen figurines.

She had a fun party!  We enjoyed watching her have fun!

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