Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Day 12.25.12

 The night before we set up Jeralyn's gifts around the tree.  We didn't wrap any of them since it would be more fun to have them set up.  I enjoyed it so much!  It brought back sweet memories of Christmas morning when I was a child.  I think it's exciting to wake up Christmas morning and see all of the new toys under the tree!

At 7:30 the next morning I got Jeralyn up while Quent set up his camera to get Jeralyn's reaction when she came out into the livingroom.  Unfortunately, he forgot to turn the mic on, so it's a silent film.  She bypassed all of the toys and walked straight to Quent saying, "Dada!"  And then she turned and saw the kitchen, which she then played with for the next 10 or so minutes.  She didn't see anything else.  Quent went downstairs to get something and when he was gone we both heard her exclaim, "Car!"  She saw the tractor to her Little People barn.  And then she went over and kissed some of the farm animals.  So sweet!

Here she is playing with her kitchen. I think she likes to cook with a messy counter.

I love her expression!  Eyebrows raised!

Here she is kissing the animals!

Quent was opening up his presents from his stocking while Jeralyn played nearby.

My favorite picture of her for the day!

Her little push car came with a "smart phone".  I showed her one time how it is used and then she must have figured out it's like what I use to talk on the phone.  She kept saying, "Hi!" and "Bye-bye!" (which sounds more like "Bah-bah!"  Hilarious!  She walked around with that phone for a long time just chatting away.

For the first part of the day (before her nap) she played and played!  After she woke up our friends came over and we had a wonderful dinner!  I made a whole chicken in a slow-cooker and it turned out so amazing!  Yum!  I also made stuffing, green beans, mashed potatoes, Quent made cranberry salad, and our friends brought food, too!

Our friend Mike brought over some wine and they were trying to figure out how to open the wine bottle.  We don't have a cork screw as we don't drink wine.  They figured it out...eventually!

Jeralyn eating her dinner.  She hardly touched the actual dinner food, but did real well with the sweet cranberry "salad" and cookies.  (=

From left to right: Will, Taryn, little Jake, Jason, and Cassie

My friend Jamie and her family. Jake is 10 months, Taryn is 3 years old.

All of us!  We had a great time with them!

Jeralyn started making these grumpy faces, so Quent thought it would be good to kiss the grumps away.

Merry Christmas!!

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