Saturday, March 11, 2006

I planned on hiking up to the high country shelter to view the sunrise but didn't even come close. The 2.5 feet of snow that I was sinking through at the first muskeg kept me from moving forward. Still a nice view.

This is what I look like after getting up at 3:15am and starting a hike at 3:45am. The picture was taken about 6:30 am. I didn't think it looked bad but Christina laughed at my other attemps (not shown) of getting a picture of myself.

The three primary peaks you see in this picture are from left to right are Virginia (3760'), Helen (about 3800), and Bessie (3915').

Tracks and gear. I had to put on my skis because there was way too much snow to wade through. Should have brought snowshoes.
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