Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fishing for Silvers 8.29.09

Hello! It's been about 3 weeks since we last posted. After this post we are going to go out of order a bit with our pictures because Quent is going to post pictures of Nate & Annie's wedding.

But in the meantime, here are a few photos of when we went fishing with our friend Reid Stovall for silver salmon. The water was pretty choppy where we first tried to fish, so we moved to a much calmer area. We were probably out on the water for about 4 hours. I'm (Christina) always hesitant to buy a fishing license because we don't do much fishing these days, but it definitely came in handy because I was the only one who caught keepers. I was pretty proud of myself!

About halfway through our fishing trip, we picked up a guy from a fishing dock who was invited by Reid. I can't remember the fellow's name, but he worked on a cruise ship as a comedian. He was funny...imagine that! And we really enjoyed getting to know him. I asked him a few questions about what it was like to work on a cruise ship. He said that it was really nice to spend time with "normal" people.

Here is one of the fish I caught, but I don't like holding Quent held it for me and I took the picture. Max, the dog loves to lick the fish. It looked really disgusting, but he was enjoying himself. He would get really excited when I was pulling fish in.

Here I am with my fish.

I love my facial expression in this one. It doesn't look like I did much work, but I honestly did! One of the salmon really fought me when I was reeling it in. It was super hard, but really fun. I can see why it becomes addicting.

And here is Reid and Max. I can't wait to go out on the ocean again!
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  1. That is SOOOO incredibly AWESOME!!!!! *working hard to not be jealous* I love to fish and can't not imagine catching fish that large. I LOVE eating salmon too. What an amazing experience!!! I would LOVE to do that when I come visit some day!!

  2. Wow, I have never seen anyone I actually know catch a fish *that* big! Wowsa! You go, girl. Way to show the guys up!! :)
