Saturday, December 22, 2007

Time to Ski!

Tracks on the ridge.

My destination for the day, the North Wrangell High Country Shelter.

My "new" skis as I prepare to make my way down the mountain. The skiing was great and the skis performed beyond my expectations. They were great, and the powder was soft and deep.

As soon as I started to move down the mountain, the cloud/fog came in. It eventually lifted but first I had to wait for a little while.
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  1. Dear Quentin,

    Your pictures are absolutely wonderful! I thank God for the blessings he has given you and Christina to seek your dreams in such a beautiful part of God's great world.

  2. Thank you Dad, I'm glad that you enjoy the photos. The beauty around here is breathtaking, it is easy to see the Creator's hand at work.
