Sunday, March 19, 2017

The last days of Ketchikan November 2016

On November 29th, the packers arrived.  I thought I was prepared, but I actually wasn't.  I'm SO thankful for our super wonderful neighbors who opened up their house to us while the packers were at our house because otherwise it would have been CRAZY!  The kids and I learned very quickly it was better to be out of our house and somewhere else.  So we spent a lot of time at our neighbor's house.

Here's our bedroom during the process:

Jeralyn playing with Legos at our neighbor's house (with their dog Greta).

This was our last visit to the library.  I miss this library!

Our empty home.  It felt SO weird!  With it being empty like this, it no longer felt like our home.  I was definitely ready.

Ketchikan gets 14 FEET of precipitation annually.  Kamiah, Idaho gets 24 inches.  Inches.  Do you see that difference?  It's HUGE!

Alaska was our home for just 2 months shy of 12 years.  SO much happened in those 12 years.  All of our babies were born in Ketchikan.  I feel like a very different person than I was when we first arrived in Alaska.  We've met the most incredible people in Alaska that have become close friends and people we will never forget.  Will we ever go back?  Time will tell.

2016 was a bittersweet year.  It's one I will never forget.  It's one of those years that will stand out in my memory.

Since this blog post is being written 3.5 months after we moved, I can say these are the things I miss about Ketchikan:

1. the library (the library in Kamiah is tiny)
2. the coffee shop I would get away to by myself
3. our neighbors (this should be #1).  One of the hardest parts about leaving Ketchikan was saying goodbye to Olivia and her parents.  It was heart-wrenching.  Jeralyn would say, "Mommy, Olivia is crying."  Like she didn't really understand why she was crying.  Ha!
4. friends
5. the ocean

And I'm sure there's more, but those are my top 5 reasons I miss Ketchikan.  Do I miss all of that rain?  No.  But I miss hearing the rain.

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